The QUALITOP workshop: Sustainability and Continuity

On Wednesday, 26th June 2024, Amsterdam hosted a workshop on the QUALITOP project, a groundbreaking effort to improve cancer patients’ quality of life through digital technologies. This event brought together project members and patient advocates to discuss the project’s successes and plan for its future. The workshop was a crucial moment to reflect on the project’s achievements, share insights, and brainstorm ideas for ensuring its long-term sustainability.
Prof. Delphine Maucort-Boulch, Project coordinator, from Hospices Civils de Lyon, opened the workshop that set the tone for the day. “We are proud of what we have achieved so far, and we succeeded.” she said. “The workshop will help us understand the challenges and bring long-term sustainability.” Her words underscored the importance of working together to overcome the challenges and give the project sustainability.
Prof. Stephane Dalle, also from Hospices Civils de Lyon, provided a comprehensive overview of the QUALITOP project’s rationale and objectives. “QUALITOP uses big data analysis, artificial intelligence, and simulation modelling to improve patient care,” he explained.
Josephine Mosset, Cancer Patients Europe’s Policy Officer, led a discussion on the project’s achievements and challenges. The objective of this session was to look back at the issues and brainstorm potential solutions. Some of the identified challenges were delays in data integration and communication. As a solution, participants valued patient involvement and effective communication. The team also explored ways to maintain the datasets and ensure the project’s continuity.
Magali Bayssiere from Lyon Ingenierie Projets led an interactive session on finding funding opportunities. “The goal is to find strategies to ensure QUALITOP’s financial stability and ongoing development,” she said. Participants discussed various options, including grants, partnerships with private companies, and public funding.
The workshop concluded on a hopeful note, with participants expressing renewed dedication to ensuring that QUALITOP’s achievements have lasting applications. As Prof. Maucort-Boulch said, “Our work doesn’t end here. We must continue to innovate and collaborate to truly make a difference.” Her words encapsulated the spirit of the workshop and the commitment of the QUALITOP team.
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