ServTech ( is a non-profit research academy based in Potsdam, Germany that was founded in 2007 to advance application-oriented scientific research, technological innovation and technology diffusion in the areas of smart applications, big data, software engineering, service-oriented computing, and cloud computing. ServTech also acts as a research and technology consultant, e.g., to the German Federal Government in the context of the Annual National Digital Summit in the field Intelligent Education Networks. In addition, ServTech provides training and education services and organizes and sponsors scientific events. ServTech is the main sponsor of the prestigious International Conference on Service Oriented Computing series ( It also sponsors the Symposium and Summer School On Service-Oriented Computing (SummerSOC –, an annual summer school and symposium focusing on the research needs and training of young and upcoming researchers.
The ServTech team comprises well-known senior academics with long-standing industry ties who have long-term impact on international research demonstrated by seminal publications and funded by international scientific agencies including the EU (FP & H2020 programs), the US National Science Foundation (NSF), the Australian Research Council (ARC), the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), the Dutch Research Council (NWO) and other national research bodies. The ServTech team’s key competences span areas – including but not limited to: data integration and interoperability, software and service engineering, business processing, novel software architectures, smart platforms, cloud computing, IoT, smart manufacturing, smart healthcare, knowledge-based structures and domain-specific languages for smart data systems and applications. ServTech’s experts work at the forefront of R&D, they advise national research bodies and academic institutions, can influence the introduction or improvement of standards, and have strong ties with industry and public authorities.

Assoc. Prof. Amal Elgammal (Female) is a senior researcher at the Scientific Academy for Service Technology (ServTech), Germany, since 2015. She has obtained her Ph.D. in Information Systems at Tilburg University, the NL (2008-2012), under the supervision of the renowned Prof. dr. ir. Mike Papazoglou. She has served as a post-doctoral researcher (2013-2014) at University College Cork (Ireland), Governance, Risk and Compliance Technology Centre (GRCTC). She has also been working as a research fellow at Trinity College Dublin, Future Cities Research Centre (2014-2015). Dr. Elgammal has built an excellent research record enriched with applied and industrial experience/practice and has extensively participated in many research programmes funded by the European Union (both FP-7 and H2020 programmes). Examples are: H2020 ICP4Life (2015-2018), DIVERSIFY (2014-205), COMPAS (2008-2011) and S-CUBE (2008-2012). Her research interests revolve around: Smart Manufacturing; Business process management; Business Analytics and Intelligence; Knowledge engineering; Ontology Engineering; IT governance; Governance, Risk Management and Compliance (GRC); Smart and future cities.

Prof. Bernd Krämer (Male) is the co-founder and chairman of ServTech. He is Professor Emeritus in software engineering with FernUniversität in Hagen, Germany. He was a guest professor of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, UC Berkeley, Monash University, and Queensland University of Technology. He is past president of the Society for Design & Process Sciences (SDPS), the first professional society fostering transdisciplinary research and education, now better known as technology convergence. He has been an advisor to the European Commission, the German Federal Government, the state government of North Rhine-Westfalia in Germany, and an IT Consultant and board member of an IT company in Germany. In 2003 he co-founded the series of International Conferences on Service-oriented Computing (ICSOC). His long-term research has been formal specification and model-based software engineering with a strong focus on distributed applications. More recently he also investigated human task management in socio-technical and service-based systems and innovation processes and collective intelligence in social networks. He has initiated and led various nationally funded and major IST projects starting with ESPRIT project GRASPIN in 1983 and ongoing to the FP7 project IMAGINE and Horizon 2020 projects ICP4Life and QUALITOP. He published his research results extensively in several books, scholarly journals and refereed conference proceedings.

Prof. Michael P. Papazoglou (Male) is a highly acclaimed academic with noteworthy experience in areas of education, research and leadership pertaining to computer science, information systems, industrial engineering and digital manufacturing. He is an honorary Professor at the Universities of New South Wales and Macquarie in Sydney, a Diustinguished Visitor of the Universitat Politecnica di Catalunya, Barcelona and an Emeritus Professor and Chair of Computer science at Tilburg University where he also was the executive director of European Research Institute in Service Science. He is also a co-founder and vice President of ServTech. He is noted as one of the original promulgators of ‘Service-Oriented Computing’ and was the scientific director of the acclaimed European Network of Excellence in Software Systems and Services (S-CUBE). He is renowned for establishing local ‘pockets of research excellence’ in service science and engineering in several European countries, Australia and the UAE. Papazoglou is an author of the most highly cited papers in the area of service engineering and Web services worldwide with a record of publishing 32 (authored and edited) books, and over 250 prestigious peer-refereed papers along with approx. 20,000 citations. He holds distinguished/honorary professorships at 11 universities around the globe and has forged extensive, longstanding ties to the European industry. His research work was/is funded by the European Union, the Australian Research Council, the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science and other international sources and has served as scientific director of several EU projects. He has served as an evaluator/appraiser and adviser for several national research bodies and institutes in N. America, Europe, Australia, the Middle East and Asia.
Scientific Manager
Prof. Michael P. Papazoglou holds honorary positions at 11 universities around the globe and has been the scientific leader of several EU projects including the acclaimed European Network of Excellence in Software Systems and Services (S-CUBE), the FP6 project MEMO, the FP7 projects CitySDK and IMAGINE, and the H2020 projects DOSSIER_CLOUD and DESTINI. His research work was/is funded by the European Union, the Australian Research Council (ARC), the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science and other international sources. He has amassed over 10 M€ in personal research funds over the past 15 years.