As a Public Centre of Excellence, «Hospices Civils de Lyon» ( makes up the second-largest University Hospital Network in France. For over 200 years, as a network providing expertise in all disciplines – both medical and surgical – Hospices Civils de Lyon have offered a wide range of human, technical and logistical resources to provide care, training, research, medical innovation as well as disease prevention and health education. Today, HCL comprise 14 multidisciplinary or specialized hospital complexes providing a diverse range of services. HCL also make up a world-class network for the fight against cancer, and are ranked amongst the 25 best hospitals in the world.
With an annual budget allocation of 1.8 billion Euros, more than 5,300 beds and spaces and over 23,000 professionals, of which 5,000 are internationally recognized doctors with access to the latest equipment, HCL devotes daily to its missions: contributing towards the constant improvement of the health of the French and Europeans.

In the QUALITOP project, the HCL will be represented by 4 teams:

1) The Biostatistics department (mainly involved in WP5),
2) IC-HCL Civils de Lyon Cancer Institute (mainly involved in WP2),
3) Department of pharmacology and toxicology (SHUPT, mainly involved in WP6)
4) the EMR 3738 “Therapeutic targeting in oncology” (mainly involved in WP3)The biostatistics department at the university-hospital is also part of the team of the Biostatistics/ Health group in the Biometry and Evolutionary Biology laboratory (LBBE), UCBL1. Working in collaboration with practitioners, projects lead to develop research in modelisation for epidemiology and clinical research and expertise in biostatistical methods dedicated to medical applications.

1. Founded in 2014, the HCL Cancer Institute “IC-HCL” ( is a network inside the institution, which federates all actors of HCL oncology, involving caregivers and managers. With 14,000 patients, including 8,500 new cases each year, the HCL is one of the major cancer centres in the Rhone-Alpes area. IC-HCL is actively involved in academic research, medical teaching, along with patient care in all types of cancers in 12 hospitals localized in Lyon area. IC-HCL has joined the Organization of European Cancer Institutes as a full member starting June 2018.

2. The Department of pharmacology and toxicology (SHUPT) is an academic and hospital department dedicated to the clinical clinical pharmacology and clinical toxicology.

3. The department includes a regional pharmacovigilance centre, a poison control centre, an addictovigilance centre and clinical pharmacology unit.

4. EMR 3738 is a research unit within HCL focusing on therapeutic optimisation in oncology, with drug monitoring and dose adaptation. Predictive new approaches are developed to improve the management of anticancer drugs and the security of cancer patients.

Scientific Managers

1.Professor Delphine MAUCORT-BOULCH, (Female) MD PhD, is a full professor of medicine in Public Health, and PhD in biostatistics. She is the head of the Public Health department and head of the biostatistics-bioinformatics unit at the University Hospital. She is also chairman of the HCL medical IT committee (in charge of the relationships between the IT department and medical community). She developped an expertise in predictive models and especially the issue of optimism bias, that led her to be interested in artificial intelligence approaches since her PhD in 2005.Professor Stéphane Dalle (Male) is full professor of Medicine in Dermatology is also graduated in Oncology. He is from 2017 the head of the Dermatology department.
This department is the leading French site for the recruitment of new melanoma patients/year. It has been involved in the development of immunotherapies including anti-CTLA4, anti-PD1 and combinations from 2008. To improve the multidisciplinary management of the patients under immune check point inhibitors Stéphane Dalle funded in 2017 with his pneumology and oncology unit a dedicated network named ImmuCare ( This network was awarded in 2017 as a network of excellence for the management of cancer patients by the French Hospitals Consortium.

2. Michel Cucherat (Male) MD, PhD, is professor of clinical pharmacology. He holds a PhD in clinical pharmacology from the Lyon 1 University (France). He is specialized in health technology assessment and developed over the last years expertise in the field of pairwise end network meta-analysis, treatment evaluation, evidence-based medicine, decision making and meta-research.

3. Catherine Rioufol (Female) is a, hospital pharmacist in cancer care, and head of Pharmacy department. Her research focuses on real life drugs exposure in cancer patients, exploring the impact of polypharmacy, self-medication and use of alternative complementary therapeutics on quality of life, dose intensity and adherence.


ImmuCare : a French programme to manage immune-related toxicities

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