Publication on ”A Reference Architecture for Smart Digital Platform for Personalized Prevention and Patient Management”
The maturity of a new generation of information technologies, including the internet of things (IoT), wearables, cloud computing, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning, has led to the advent of smart domains, such as smart manufacturing, smart logistics, and smart healthcare. Smart healthcare brings unlimited opportunities to solve many of the problems of traditional medical systems, with the ultimate goal of realizing 4P medicine (Predictive, Preventive, Personalized, Participative). However, to realize this ambitious vision in such a highly regulated multi-disciplinary and sensitive domain, a mine of challenges needs to be effectively and efficiently addressed. A smart health digital platform that integrates all relevant (semi-) structured and unstructured health-related data is fundamental. The platform should incorporate a variety of care data, including vital medical information from medical records, current medication, imaging studies, lifestyle, genetic, demographic, psychological & psychosocial and patient-provided health data from exercise or health monitoring applications and medical pathways. These will lead to improving post-operative planning, reduce medical risks and costs, and generate more accurate therapy and increased Quality of Life (QoL) for patients. The main contribution of this article is a reference architecture for a smart digital platform for personalized prevention and patient management that acts as a roadmap for further R&D in this domain.
Read more on our publication here.